changing header image

  • Hi,

    I have tried to change my header image, I have uploaded an image, sometimes it shows up and then I go on to the crop stage, then when I preview my blog the space for the image is just black.
    Other times, I have uploaded image but then just get the little red cross in the box, in the top left hand corner of where the image should be.

    I have done everything that I can think of but I just can’t make it work.

    I have tried various templates for this.

  • try sending in feedback. sometimes it’s just glitchy.

  • The blog in question has this last post:

    October 13, 2006
    We have moved
    Filed under: Post — Editor @ 11:46 am
    This site has moved to:

    Perhaps there’s some “mistake” about asking for help with the header on a blog that has moved … weird.

  • The last three or four days I have experienced some similar problems with that feature.

    Normaly every week I change my header. But now I had to reset it to default.

    I believe, either there is a small flaw on side or it is just a matter of load at present. is quite slow now again … Maybe because of to much new functionalities (statistics function which is quite expensive maybe … ;)

  • I have multiple blogs in the K2 Lite theme and frequently change the headers on them without difficulty. If you’re having difficulty changing headers on the Cutline theme then how will staff know this if you don’t send in a feedback?

  • @timethief: Done.

    [Despite the fact that it worked now without problems ;)]

  • Timethief. The url that you went to is an old blog of mine. The blog that I want to change the image on has yet to be released as it is under construction.

    How do I send in a feedback?

  • The feedback button is on the top right hand corner of any blog page. That being said however, when an image for a header will not upload it’s usually attributable to
    (1) size (you would not believe the sizes some folks try to upload as headers)
    (2) slow connections
    (3) a problem between your computer and the wp server. (You don’t have a direct line here. Your connection goes through any number of hubs before it gets to wp and one problem along that line will cause you problems.)
    So before you send in a feedback please check these threads out and be sure you have used a program like microsoft “paint” or “photoshop” to create a header of the correct size to upload

    Optimize your images

  • Here’s an angle I don’t see answered anywhere: how did a non self-hosting member add a header to a theme *not* listed as one of those that are customizable? The page in question is at and uses the theme andreas09. As I said, it’s not on the list.

    Thank you.

  • They may have changed it during the last three months.

  • @demike
    Do you mean the blogger changed this Andrea 09 theme to add an image header through purchasing a css customization upgrade and changing it?

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