Changing featured posts to featured pictures on Toujours

  • Is there a way to make the featured posts in the slides (home page) a slide show with pictures instead?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi,

    I’m not sure what you mean, because the slider ordinarily does include pictures. The Featured Content Slider on the Toujours theme only displays links to featured content posts, and will include a featured image for each featured content post, if a featured image is assigned on the post.

  • As musicdoc mentioned, post tagged as Featured Content automatically link to each post. If you want them to look more like just images and less like posts, one workaround I can think of would require custom CSS – you could then add some code to prevent the ability to click on the image, and you could also hide the post title and date with CSS so it’s less obvious it’s a post. The post would still need to be published, however, so it would still show up in your blog stream.

    Custom CSS is available with the Premium or Business plans.

    If you decide to go this route and need further help, just let me know.

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