Changing email

  • Hi! I have two account in WP. I want to disable the one which is registered on (email visible only to moderators and staff) and keep this e-mail for my main account –, which is registered on e-mail which doesnt exist any more ((email visible only to moderators and staff)). How can I do that??

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • To do that you need to view this section of your login to update your email address:

    Change Your Email Address

    Happy Blogging!!

  • I need to update my email. The old email is to an outdated email that I can not get into—-how do I do this?????

  • If you attempt to change your email address and find that it never updates after saving the changes, the issue is usually simple. The email address you are attempting to use is probably associated with another account. Because each address can only be associated with one account, it will not allow you to use the same email again.

    I have tagged a staff member as well that might move this along faster.

    Hope you get this resolved.

  • @maosha – As marioashley mentioned, you can go to your account settings to update your email address on each account. You’ll need to switch from your Yahoo address to a different address on the account you don’t want to use anymore, and then you can update your other account to use that Yahoo address. If you have any questions about that, let me know!


    @dapala – You can update your email address in your account settings. That will send a confirmation email to the new email address you want to start using, so you won’t need access to your old email address to make that change. If you have any more questions about that, please start a new forum thread so we can help you with that separately from the original issue in this thread. Thanks!

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