Changing colours in Minnow Theme

  • Hello!
    I am trying to change the colours in my wordpress blog-theme Minnow. It has worked fine for a while, but now I am not able to change the colors anymore.
    The odd thing is that I can change it in the menu, but the appearence on line does not recognise the colour…any ideas??

    my blog: (it is white, but in the menu it is green!)

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi, I’m seeing grey on your menu when I click the Menu icon at top right on your site. Did you get this resolved?

  • Hi there!


    The Minnow theme enables to change the colour of the headings and automatically, the colour of the text also changes. My problem is that I want the heading to be green. Actually, I can change it in Preferences and I can see it in my menu page. However, the headings of the public view of the blog gets white…and I cannot understand why and no idea how to make the headings of the public view to be green.

    Thank youuuu!

  • Hi, I just checked on my test site, and If I have a white background (default) then I can change the Links and Headings to green with no problem. If I set the background to a grey, I can’t set the Links and Headings to Green. This has to do with the algorithms in the Custom Colors code to keep text readable for those with visual impairments.

    If you first set your background color back to the default, and then select a green for Links and Headings color, and then select a grey background, the text, stays green, but changes to a much lighter green for readability.

    This can be overridden, but it would require the Custom Design Upgrade and then the addition of some custom CSS.

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