Changing Colour of Social Icons

  • I’m currently revamping my site (excuse the horrendous mess it is now) and plan to activate the Watson theme. One of the tiny details I’d really like to change is the colour of my social sidebar icons, which are grey and cannot be changed in a basic (read: basic enough for me) manner. All I want to do is pick a colour to really highlight them and tie them in to my new logo if possible. As a CSS dummy and with no other obvious ways of doing it, I need help – so does anyone know if this is doable and exactly how I would go about doing it?

    PS – It’s not a dealbreaker if I can’t change the colour…but as a Virgo the devil for me really is in the detail!

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there,

    The social icons on your sidebar are not gray. They are blue and turn to purple when hovered. Also, are you looking to change the color of those icons on your current theme (Mystique) or on the Watson theme?

  • Sorry, should have specified – the icons are grey (black when hovered, I think) when I preview the Watson theme, which I’ll be activating shortly. That’s what I’m looking to change (not bothered about changing my current theme to that extent!).

  • Ah, got it. Watson has its own set of image-based social icons that aren’t changeable with CSS, but you could use a social icons widget in one of your footer areas. Those can be set to any color.

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