Changing colors on Love Craft theme

  • How do I change the colors of the hyperlinks and the underlines under the sidebar titles manually? EX. they’re red right now, but I want to change them to pink or blue to match my logo. How would I do it manually without using the pallets?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hey there,

    You can change each of these items color with the use of custom CSS however you must be a Premium or Business plan holder in order to access this feature.

    For more information on these plans and there inclusive features please review the following documentation:

    If you do happen to have either of these upgrades and are potentially interested in pursuing them the following CSS will allow you to target these items and change there colors:

    /*Main menu item on hover text color*/
    .main-navigation ul li:hover>a, .main-navigation ul li.focus>a {
        color: #F29DB6;
    /*Sidebar title underline color*/
    .widget-title {
        border-bottom: 2px solid #E3EFFD;
    /*Post date, author, comment link text color*/
    .entry-meta a {
        color: #F29DB6;
    /*Post date, author, comment link on hover underline color*/
    .entry-meta a:hover {
        border-bottom: 1px solid #E3EFFD;

    The color code #F29D86 is matches to the pink in your logo and the color code #E3EFFD matches to the blue – feel free to swap them out as you choose.

    If you do decide to go for the upgrade and have any other areas in particular you are interested in making changes to via CSS, feel free to let us know and we can look into solutions.


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