changing color

  • I am wondewring if the color of the toolbar at the top of the page, when logged into WordPress, can be changed. This is an option on Blogger for example. If it can be done could someone let me know how to do it. If it is not an option, then I guess we can call this a small suggestion.

    Thanks in advance.

  • This option is already available if and only if you purchase the css customization upgrade. You can then change the color of the navigation bar if you have the upgrade. You cannot change it without the upgrade.

    (1) Do you have css editing experience?
    The upgrade is not recommended to those who don’t as their is no staff support for “learning” css.
    (2) Have you already purchased the css upgrade?

  • As far as I can see you’re hosting a blog, in which case we can’t help you.

    Try asking at the forums.

    But if you’re hosting your own blog you won’t have the header anyway, so I’m a little lost in what you’re asking about.

    – Biyang Hansen

  • Thank you timethief
    I’m not up on css. Maybe I’ll get there someday.

    Thanks Biyang
    I have both a blog on and on It is, of course, the blog on I was wondering about.

    Thanks again

  • You’re welcome and best wishes.

    P.S. This is a really good and simple css resource

  • Thanks Timethief,

    I saved it in my favorites for when a minute is available for such an expedition.
    Thanks again

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