Changing block type/removing columns

  • Hello all,

    On my contact page, the contact form appears within a two-column block. I would like to get rid of the second column as I don’t need it, but am not sure how to do this. I cannot just remove the block and create a new one without columns, as I don’t know how to insert a form from scratch. Do you know how I could:
    1) remove the second column?
    2) change the block type so it is no longer ‘columns’ but, e.g., ‘paragraph’?
    3) insert a form so I can start a new single-column block from scratch?

    Thank you!

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi! I’m not sure how you ended up with two columns there, but you might have some luck simply removing that whole block and adding a contact form again.

    Here’s how to add from scratch:

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