Changes to Crowdsignal in Dashboard

  • Howdy! After helping a member in the forums with their question about removing the star ratings from their posts, it looks like there’s been some major changes to the Crowdsignal (formerly Polldaddy) dashboard on our sites.

    Keeping in mind that I have WP Admin set as default on my account, on some of my sites I have a full-blown introduction to Crowdsignal’s available blocks and on some of my other sites a list of the polls I’ve previously created with a link to manage them directly on Crowdsignal. I’m not certain I understand what triggers one page or the other. For example, on wpcommaven, where I have created and added polls to that site in the past, I have the introduction page, but no link to manage those same polls.

    Also, on my sites where the list of polls appears, there’s a link to a document which offers a link to the old poll editor

    You still have access to the old poll editor in WPAdmin, via this link here.

    But the bold text is not linked to anything.

    Can Staff please provide some insights here? TIA

  • Hey Jen!

    Thanks so much for reaching out!
    Indeed, there was a missing link on that page. I just updated it. Sorry for the inconvenience!

    Regarding your question about the page with the introduction to the Crowdsignal blocks: We call this an “empty state landingpage”, and you should only see this page for Crowdsignal accounts that have not yet created any Crowdsignal projects. As these users without projects would see an empty table that would be not very helpful, we want to use the chance to introduce them to our blocks.

    You were mentioning that you have seen this page for an account that had already created some polls previously? This would be a bug then, we would love to look into this more closely. Would you mind sending us an email with your site and Crowdsignal user account that you were connected to?

    (email visible only to moderators and staff)

    Thanks so much again! Really appreciated!

  • @digitalwaveride Thanks for the reply and updating the link, but are you sure it’s the intended one?

    User justjennifer Cannot Access the Dashboard Requested

    All the sites I mentioned in my initial post are under this account I’m posting from here in the forums, but some of them have the “empty state landing page” and some show the polls, etc.
    Empty state landing page aka
    Polls visible on

    Our forum software redacts email addresses, so I cannot see it, but everything is under this account I’m posting from, which is also my CS account. If you need anything else from me, please let me know.

    Thanks again.

  • Hello again, I’ve replied by email now. Thanks.

  • Jen, thanks so much for all the details, I got your mail!
    We are looking into the issue, why you are seeing the landing page in some cases. We will get back to you!

    Regarding the link that is pointing to the legacy poll editor, sorry again, the link needs to be adapted to the corresponding site, where you want to create the poll.

    In your case for wpcommaven this would be:

    Thanks for your patience, Jen!

  • Hey Jennifer,

    just wanted to let you know, that things should be fixed now! Please give it a spin whenever you have time.
    We had an issue with handling mapped domains, that did not identify all your Crowdsignal projects the right way.
    Thanks so much again for reaching out and pointing to the issue!
    Really appreciated, super helpful! 🙏

  • Hello again, Thanks for the quick action!

    I checked the three sites I mentioned in my email that were showing the empty state landing page and things look good on wpcommaven. The other two Private sites are still showing the empty state landing page.

    I’ll try logging out and doing the cookie dance. Will report back here.

  • Logged in with a different browser entirely in Private browsing mode and it is as I mentioned above, both Private sites I mentioned to you in my email still display the empty state landing page.

    Thanks again for the assistance.

  • Hi Jennifer! Thanks for the report.

    In the spirit of further investigating the issue, could you provide us with a specific URL for the private sites that are failing?

    If you’re concerned about revealing the URL, any hint that helps me narrow it down among your sites should suffice.

  • Hi there, I did mention both of them in my initial email reply to Dan on the 16th of July, and thank you for not mentioning them here in this public thread. :)

    For expediency, I’ve now added those sites to my account’s list of Visible Sites in my Global Dashboard along with wpcommaven.

    If you are not able to see them there, please let me know by email so we can continue there. Thanks again.

  • Hi Jennifer!

    Thanks for helping us unravel this case and pointing us in the right direction :)

    We’ve made some changes to better handle the redirections of the new wp-admin dashboard contents when there are no available items to show. Let us know if you face any more issues.

    Thanks so much!

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