Changes to creating posts, editing etc. not an improvement

  • Hello and good day to you, I need help with finding my way to the old form of writing posts, editing etc. before a new form was introduced, about a year or two years ago? In the beginning I could choose between the old and the new form of creating posts and editing texts. Now, I can’t find the old form anymore.

    I find working with the new form complicated, too full of choices, too restricting the flow of writing. This evening, I have a hard time, finding a way to change the space between alineas.

    Images I tried to upload, land in the wrong space, for example at the bottom of the page. And I need to replace them to where I want them published. Another nuisance is, that when I adjust the text, that I’ve copied from a book online, creating alineas, using the delete and backspace button, to collect the lines and create alineas.

    On a regular basis, I find my cursor jumping to the bottom of the page. Riddle!
    One time, I uploaded an image in between alineas, at the top of the page, and found it published at the bottom of the page. Riddle!

    These symptoms are a few issues that I’ve found, causing frustration and much loss of time. Please, I’m more at ease with the old form of creating content here, could someone show me the way? Thank you in advance!

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • update to my first request here, by the way, why can’t I edit my request and update it? I’ve visited my settings and noticed I could choose between “block” and “post”.
    I was presently in “block” (without having made that choice as far as I can remember, and I’ve clicked on “post” a few minutes ago.

    The change it brings is that I can choose the space between alineas better. The space was far too wide before. I still notice that when I press enter, that the cursor jumps to another part in the text, and at times, when I add a word, the cursor also jumps to another part in the text and types the word in the wrong place.

    It’s very strange, for I’ve never had such issues before. I’m almost sure that some time ago, I could choose between the old version of WordPress editing tools etc. and the new version. Why don’t I have that choice now? It was clear and simple, maybe also because I had become used to it. The way it’s now, with the new version, is like I can’t see the forest through the trees, as we say in Holland.

  • Update again! I’ve found the classic version of WordPress now, the whole outfit of WordPress is changed so much that I simply seem to have to find my way all anew. I’m not lazy in trying to find solutions though. It seems that for the moment I’m out of the forest….. ehmmm…. the woods, I mean.

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