Changes in header are not reflecting on mobile

  • Hi

    header and logo of are OK on dektop/laptop but same is not refelecting on mobile phone.

    I changed the color of header and it’s reflecting on laptop but not on mobile

    I changed the color of header through “Additional CSS” and uploaded different logo (in size)

    Code is given below

    .header_content{background-color: #fff!important;}

    .header_content .menu>li>a{color:#000!important;}

    .header_content ul>li:hover>a{background-color: #fff!important;
    color: #03befc!important;}
    .header_content ul>li.current-menu-item>a{background-color: #fff!important;
    color: #f51302!important;}

    Can anybody help me …. what to do to see the same effect in header on mobile


    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi,

    I’ve checked it, and the site is not hosted on the servers. We can not help here with sites that are not hosted with us, as we have no access to your site, and our support tools will not work.

    You can learn more about the difference between and self-hosted or sites here:

    WP vs.
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    WordPress powers millions of websites, from bloggers and small businesses to massive news sites and companies. This guide will help you to understand the difference between and, and which might be the best fit for your website. Overview of Differences The same WordPress software powers both and sites. One of the main differences is ho

    Your site is hosted with another company. You need to contact them to get assistance with this site. You can also reach out to the community

    If you are interested in moving your site to we would be better able to assist you with issues such as this one in the future. You can learn more about moving to here

    Hope this helps!

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