Changed WP domain to pre-existing domain

  • As the title suggests, I was finalising a WP site for another person, but he desired to changed to domain he set for it. I went into the admin section of the dashboard, changed the name of the domain to one that had apparently been registered in 2009 and can no longer access the admin dashboard.

    How do I undo this mistake, if at all possible?

  • Hi, there’s not much we can do without a link to the site you need help with. Please provide that information so we can point you in the right direction.

  • The original domain name before being changed was

  • Thanks for adding that information. It looks like the site you need help with isn’t hosted here on WordPressdotcom but with GoDaddy and so is using the standalone WP software.

    Standalone WP (org) and WordPressdotcom (where we are) are different entities with separate documentation and support forums; more information about the differences can be found here:

    You can find all the support information for sites using the WP software at and at If you don’t have a username on the ORG forums, you can register one on that page. I suggest searching the forums there for a similar issue before posting.

    For help with this specific issue you can likely approach GoDaddy support as well.

    Best wishes for a quick solution.

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