Changed Site URL and now it doesn’t work at all!

  • Hi. I saw in my WordPress settings that I could change my WordPress URL. I own both and through Bluehost. My site has always defaulted to though I’d like it to be SO I thought I would try changing the default URL there in the settings, and it locked me out of everything and now the site won’t load. Please help! Yes
    Correct account: Yes

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Your site isn’t hosted here and we have a different process for changing the site address. But your host can likely help you with one of these options that will work with your copy of WordPress. Then if you need more help with the free WordPress code, you’ll want to use the community forums.

    Here’s the difference between the free WordPress software and our managed hosting services:

    Basically we provide SSL hosting, maintenance, security, spam filtering, etc. Our paid plans get direct support, and we have this community forum for those who use our free tier hosting. Let us know if you have any questions for us. Cheers!

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