Changed primary blog but re-blog defaults to old blog

  • My original blog was about a year ago I changed it to

    Last week I transferred my data to another URL, and then forwarded the to that url. Both domains are hosted somewhere other than WP now.

    The WP app always replies or posts from the old url without an option to use I already went in and changed the primary blog to the LK address.

    When I try to re-blog, for instance from my reader, it is always going from my old blog. Because of the redirect it just goes to a page 404 error page.

    How can I change this to recognize the new primary blog?

    Mr. Fox

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • The blog you specified at does not appear to be hosted at

    This support forum is for blogs hosted at If your question is about a self-hosted WordPress blog then you’ll find help at the forums.

    If you don’t understand the difference between and, you may find this information helpful.

    If you forgot to include a link to your blog, you can reply and include it below. It’ll help people to answer your question.

    This is an automated message.

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