change user role

  • Hi folks!

    I’m setting up a blog for a school project with some of my students. I’m the adm and have added each of them as Authors to write their own articles. Now they want to add a page and they say they aren’t allowed to… I tried to create the page myself but then they cannot modify it.

    So I’d need to (temporarily) change the role of one of them from Author to Administrator… is this possible? Do I have to delete the user and re-add he/she as Administrator? (in this last case what happens to the post of that user?)

    thank you for any advise,

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Changing them to Editor is safer – they should be able to make the page and modify it – if you make them Admin they can do anything up to deleting the blog.

    One of the biggest problems with trashed blogs is too many Admins or upset Admin on the way out the door trashes blog.

  • thanks a lot, auxclass!

    don’t know how I missed the second dropdown menu BTW :(

  • You be welcome & good luck

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