Change Telegram Icon on Social Menu

  • Hi. I just installed Dara theme for my free blog. Now i’m working on my social menu: everything’s working but instead of Telegram’s icon i got a generic link icon.
    How can i change it to the real icon? I used a classic link.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Greetings, @phygitalartnft,

    There is an option to add Telegram sharing button by going to: My Site →Tools → Marketing → Sharing buttons:

    Detailed information is here:

    Add Social Share Buttons

    Since Telegram is a messaging app and not a social media platform, adding an icon to the social icons widget is unfortunately not possible. Additionally, there is no Telegram profile link that can be utilized in the widget or in a social menu.

    Thank you! I hope that helps.

  • Hi there,

    The Dara theme you’re using on your site doesn’t have support for the Telegram icon in the social menu. You can see the ones that are supported in the theme’s support page here:

    If you’re on our Pro plan, you can use custom CSS code to insert your own icon there, but there’s no way to do this on the free plan.

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