Change site header size

  • I’d like to make the header wider, so the text doesn’t break mid-word. Is this possible? Or should I just make the words shorter?

    Theme is Capoverso, and I really like it, so I would really like the page header to stretch the width of the main column, or at least slightly longer than it is at the moment. I can’t find this in the customise options.


    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there,
    For the theme Capoverso, The site header displays at a maximum width of 255px by default. If you have premium plan, you can use CSS to change the header width.
    To use css go to your_site->Settings->Appearance->Customize
    On the next screen you will find tab on left sidebar “Additional Css” click that tab and paste below CSS

    .site-title {
        max-width: 900px !important;

    ## Replace the pixel ( 900px ) as you wish.

    You will find details about using custom css here

    However, If you don’t have custom plan, you can change the font style from customizer screen. On the customizer screen click Fonts and try changing fonts. This can also help :)

    Hope this helps.

  • Thanks for that info. Strangely the header displays OK on tablet and mobile settings, which are portrait view, but on PC which is standard landscape format, it’s very short so breaks the last word.

    I’m off to play with fonts!

  • Hi there,

    but on PC which is standard landscape format, it’s very short so breaks the last word.

    I’m not seeing this on my end. Or did you manage to fix it by changing fonts?

    If you still see it, this might be a bug. In that case, please confirm what browser you’re using, including version number, and also what version of Windows/MacOS you’re using.

    If it happens in more than one browser, please list them all.

    It would also help to know your browser window size. You can find that out by visiting

    Lastly, can you take a screen shot of how it looks on your end, and upload that to the media library. Then we’ll be able to see it there.

  • Changing fonts made no difference, which seems odd. I’m using Firefox 95.0.1 on Ubuntu 20.04, screen width is 1920 pixels.

    I changed “genealogy” to “history” which didn’t break, background rectangle remained same size. I could live with “history” if that’s the cure!

  • Hi there,

    I am able to see the break using Chrome 96.0.4664.110 on Mac OS 11.2 but not on Safari. This very well could be a bug.

    I’ll definitely report this and see if we can have a developer look into this issue.

    We’ll keep you updated.


  • Hi there,

    I reported this issue internally, but I cannot confirm how soon a fix will happen. If you are needing a definite fix in the meantime I would also encourage using CSS as @mohammadriyad referenced.


  • Thanks for that.

    I booted into my (unused) Win 10 pro partition, and viewed in MS Edge, and the problem is the same there, so that seems to eliminate a Firefox problem.

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