Change Sidebar Size >> Bromley Theme

  • Hi there
    My sidebar is far too big. Also the sidebar headers look too big.
    I understand that I should go to the CSS on the custom page but after that I have no idea what to do. I tried copying and pasting from other posts Googled but nothing happened.

    Help in CSS please in the most basic language possible and the simplest steps please?



    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there, Go to Appearance > Customize > CSS, delete all the informational text in that window, and paste in the following custom CSS to narrow the sidebar from 33% to 25% and widen the content from 66% to 75%. I’ve limited this change using a Media Query to screen/window widths 700px and wider below that the theme switches to a single column with the widgets below the content. If not, things go awry at 699px and narrower.

    @media screen and (min-width: 700px) {
    .main .sidebar {
        width: 25%;
    .main .articles {
        width: 75%;

    You can adjust the 25% and 75% values, just make sure the two together add up to 100%.

  • Hi there thesacredpath

    They don’t call you the happiness engineer for nothing.
    I know it should be on a separate post but are there any upgrades I can make to Bromley?

    Thanks for your spot on help and such a quick response BTW

    Cheers bud >>> Andy

  • One other thing thesacredpath

    I was wondering if you knew how to change the font colour of my widget header text?

    Cheers >> Andy

  • Andy, to adjust the widget title size, add the following and adjust the 0.56em value as desired.

    .wf-active .widget h3.widgettitle {
        font-size: 0.56em;
  • Thanks for dropping by to help out again :) Cheers for your help

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