Change Profile Photo Fails Always

  • Through some glitch, I can’t get my profile picture to change from the placeholder sunglasses photo that shows up front and center of my blog. For more than a week now I try to change it every day. It lets me upload and resize a photo but then gives me the message, “Hmm, your new profile photo was not saved. Please try again another time.”

    For a week, every try. Ive tried signing out and signing back in, restarting my computer, different photos…nothing works. I got an email a week ago from support, which seemed promising, but nothing has changed and Ive heard nothing back in 7 days.

    Thanks, Anastasia

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there,

    Where exactly is that photo you’re referring to? Your profile photo shows a cross in a white background.

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