Change position of Menu-Icon in Tonal theme.

  • Hello All,

    I’m looking for help to change the position of the Menu-Icon (top-right of the screen) in the Tonal theme.

    * (1) I want the Icon to sit just above, or just under the Site-name, centered on the page (all within the header area).

    Also (-or, perhaps for another time…)

    (b) change the Size of the Icon (to about 50% of what it is).

    (c) change the Icon itself to another Icon (in this case a ‘Play’ icon).

    Btw, I have no coding experience at all :)

    Over the last couple of months i’ve got how to make a child-theme, and i’ve been able to sort out changing footer.php information, and removing the ‘Comment’-Icons (using copy-&-pasted CSS), but, i don’t know what i’m doing.

    I chose Tonal as a base to work from as it’s almost perfect for what i was looking for. It’s only this final issue to be resolved. I’ve been unable to follow the how-to videos and info i’ve found so far. I have the header.php in my child-theme from Tonal, ready to be edited.

    Thanks in advance.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there!

    It actually looks like you’re running your site on another host, rather than here on, which is what these forums are geared towards :)

    Because the answers to these questions will be a little different on your setup, could you open a thread in the self hosted forum, here:


  • Super, Chad, i will.

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