Change my domain

  • hi there are you able to help me change my domain to my blogger account?
    Just to give you an overview i purchased my domain name on then i went over to, then i cancelled that account as i started up with blogger,however my domain is now going to bluehost page and doesn’t exist are you able to link my domain name to blogger? my blogger address is and i would like my main domain name to be the page the blogger one links too. As i purchased the domain name through im guessing you guys can fix this problem asap. would be great can u please get started. And yes im happy to keep the host as its just for now im blogging on blogger. so the domain name can it please be set to my blogger account thanks. Instead of bluehost which is definately not my blog.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there,
    I’ll tag this thread for Staff assistance with sorting this out. Please subscribe to the thread so you are notified when they respond and please be patient while waiting.

  • @amodelsfavorites I’ve responded to your email request. Let’s keep all further correspondence there so we can keep our conversation organized.

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