Change max width to 980

  • I had started a thread on here earlier but I’m having more trouble than I thought I would. I tried to pick a pretty minimal theme as I’ve never worked with CSS before but perhaps I should have chosen differently? My blog address is

    What I am wanting is for the max width of the page to be 980 so that when I upload my pictures I can show them at the full 720px that is best for on-screen viewing. The original Manifest (the theme I am using) max width is 500. I tried going in and actually editing the CSS itself and copying and pasting that into the box and that *seemed* to work, but when I actually viewed the site view the internet (and not the preview), it had changed allignments, colors, etc. so I had obviously messed something up?

    Is there a command I could write in so that the width of the pax would change from 500 to 980 and also so that the max width of images could be 980 instead of 500?? THANK YOU TO ALL OF YOU WHO CHECK THESE THREADS TO HELP US NEWBS!!

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Pasting the entire stylesheet can cause things like this, and what is best here at is to paste the stylesheet into a plain text file for reference and then add only the specific selectors and specific declarations that you need to the edit window.

    First let’s get you returned to the standard CSS and then we will get it widened for you. Go to the CSS page, delete all the CSS you put into the edit window, make sure “add to existing…” is selected and then click save stylesheet. Check your site and everything should be back to normal (force refresh the page if necessary).

  • Actually, if you want to try this first.

    Go to the css edit page and in the box down below the CSS area is a field for setting the maximum width for images and videos. Set that to 720px and click save stylesheet.

    Next, open one of your posts, delete an image and then reinsert it at “full-sized” and it should come in at 720px wide.

  • I tried doing that box at the bottom of the page (editing the max width of images) but it doesn’t seem to work. The glitch I seem to be having is that I can get the footer, headerer, page runner, and content to get the size I want and I love the look of it, but then when you open the image gallery, the main colomn seems to have reverted to a max width of 500px despite the changes made to the CSS and setting the max width at the bottom to 720? I may just need to change themes but I LOVE this theme so I have been trying to make it work…. I am still having to copy and paste the whole CSS code as well to see any changes. When I just input the few changes I want and click “add to current theme”, no changes actually accure? Thank you so much for your help-both on this post and the numerous other posts you’ve responded to on here!! I feel both informed and encouraged to learn when you respond!

  • Ah, on the attachment page. Let me take a look.

  • The theme and wordpress are putting in a 500px wide image. The “post” area on the attachment pages is 980px like it should be. It appears as if the 500px width for the image is coded into the theme for attachment pages rather than it being pulled from the setting you made below the CSS edit window.

    I would contact staff directly on this and see if this is something they can fix. To my way of thinking, it should be pulling the width from the setting below the CSS edit window when you have the CSS upgrade. On the contact page, search for anything and then scroll down to the bottom and click “no” and the form will appear. Include all the details and then also refer them to this forum thread.


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