Change language to the interfase

  • Hi! I need to change the language in all labels and buttons of my blog, , I mean like “Comentario” instead off “Commnet”, “Continúa leyendo” instead of “Continue reading”, etc. I’ve changed all in the php files, but I don’t find how or where to upload them. Am I doing the right thing? Thks.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)


    You can change the language it also links to changing the language in your profile.

    Language this blog is primarily written in.
    You can also modify the interface language in your profile.

    You did mention changing all the php files though, so even though you have a blog here on, if you are referring to another blog not hosted here, you will need to get help over at


  • Hi Trent, thks for replying,

    I,ve already tried it but don’t changes the labels. Let me explian it, the blog is hosted and powered by wordpress, and then i’ve used the blix theme, changed the CSS and images, but the labels and buttons of this theme do’nt change to spanish. So, the author of this theme posted a link to download his files and i’ve obtained the php files from it.

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