Change Hyperlink

  • Hi WordPress team,

    I am unable to edit the hyperlink of my page – I would like to change it to reflect the new title of ‘Prelude’ but you will note that the hyperlink still states ‘Green Peacock’ – the link is

    How may I amend to ‘…/01/02/prelude’ instead?

    Thank you! Yes
    Correct account: Yes

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi,

    The “green-peacock” part of the permalink is the slug. The slug may be changed, as indicated in the Permalinks & Slugs support page, but changing the slug will result in every internal and external link to the post being broken. Since your account is only a few days old this may not be much of a deterrent. However, if you had an established site with many subscribers, they’d likely not be very happy to get 404 errors when they click on their email notification of a recent post from you. Other places where links to your post will no longer work after changing the slug include Google search results, social media sites where it’s been shared, any place where the post has been mentioned, with a link to it included.

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