Change Hover color in ESPIE theme

  • I dont want it to be blue when the mouse goes over but dim the do i change that blue to black?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Please post your query at forum as this forum is dedicated to supporting of the websites hosted on . You can read more about this here:

  • This should do the trick in your Customiizer’s Additional CSS panel:

    .post-thumbnail-wrapper {
      background-color: #000000;

    These forums are for sites hosted on, but you’re running the WordPress software on your own hosting. If you need further help with the self-hosted version of Espied, feel free to post in its forum at

    You’ll need a free account to post – if you don’t already have one, you can register here:

    shikakaiherb – instead of immediately sending folks away to get help with an Automattic-made theme, if you aren’t able to help yourself, please just leave it for staff or other volunteers. And when pointing people to for help, please try to send them to the specific theme or plugin forum, so they can get help faster. Thanks!

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