change comments background colour for admin only?

  • is there a way to change the background colour for only the admin’s comments with the chaoticsoul theme? i saw this with the journalist 1.3 theme, but whatever i tried i can’t get this very useful effect on my blogs with chaoticsoul. i uploaded a screenshot so you can see which area i’d like to change.

    thanks in advance for any help, and i’m sure this is the last css-question for a long time. the blogs in question are just fine as they are besides this little thing ;)

  • Sorry but by looking at the source code of your theme, it seems that what you want to do is not possible since no class attribute is added to the comments made by an admin, otherwise it would be a different story.


  • I wondered why I couldn’t find it. But I thought I was missing something (altogether possible)

    You da man!

  • thanks for looking into it, i was afraid that there’s no way to change it via css, but i’ll survive it ;)

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