Change colour of full view blog post function?

  • Hello everyone!
    I tried searching the forums but didn’t get what I wanted.

    Well, I’m seriously in love with being able to full view the blog post stuff so no distracting stuff is around the text that I’m actually writing. The problem is, that the white colour of the background is seriously killing me. I already put my screen’s brightness on the lowest. But still that white is too bright for me.

    So while I’m very thankful and happy about that function, I’m still not able to use it for more than a few minutes.

    I don’t know if anyone else is bothered by that. Using that full view blog post thing shoots me right into a really bad overload because of its white background (I’m hardcore dizzy right now again.)

    Is it possible to change the background?
    If not, I’d so love it if the Team of WordPress could think about adding the ability to change the background.

    Sorry for my english.
    Have a nice day!

  • The blog linked to your username is wearing the the Zbench theme and you can change the background color of it or upload an image to use as a background > Appearance > Background
    Upload Image
    Choose an image from your computer:
    Background Color Select a Color (Clear)
    “save changes”

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