Change Blog Name

  • Hello – when I signed up, I created a generic blog name because I thought I could later change the blog name. Now, I cannot figure out how to change the blog name. Could you please tell me? Thank you! Laura

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Your username links to a deleted blog. Please correct the link (Users > Personal Settings: scroll down to Account Details, paste blog URL in the Website field, click Save Changes).

  • Is this the blog you are referring to?
    Id this the “blog name” ie blog title you are referring to?
    If so, then it can be changed here > Settings > General
    don’t forget to click “save changes” when you are done

    However, if what you mean is that you want to change the blog URL (address) then please read the support entry I have linked to.

  • Hi. I am trying to change the various settings on my blog before changing the address altogether, but I keep going around in circles between Settings and Profile, etc. I have changed my user name and am attempting to change the blog name to “clothes she wore, bands she saw,” but in the drop down menu under my gravatar, there is still the blog avatar tagged with the old blog name “{indelible pink}”? I can’t find where this is to change it… Hope this made sense; probably didn’t

  • is no longer available.

    The authors have deleted this blog.

    As above we need a link to the blog in question to give you accurate advice.

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