Centralizing images, text

  • Hi, my text and images are all oriented to the left of the screen when displayed, how do I centralize everything?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi There,

    You can align the site title and logo to centre by using custom CSS. You can use the CSS editor to customize the appearance of any WordPress.com site with a Premium plan or higher.
    Go to MySite-> Appereance -> Customize -> Additional CSS and use the below CSS:-

    /Align logo and site title to center*/
    .site-branding {
    width: 100%;
    text-align: center;

    Hope this helps!

  • What @divyaab said will centralize the head of your site. To centralize the content is a little trickier because the layout is controlled by the theme. Your theme, Shoreditch, will accommodate your post and the footer side-by-side, that’s why your post is on the left.
    If you have the premium plan or higher, and CSS knowledge (or someone else with knowledge), you can change this with custom CSS.
    But I think it will be easier to change the theme. Your site seems very simplistic and some themes do exactly what you want, like the theme Sophisticated Business.

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