Category/tag pages not showing my new post

  • I cannot seem to find my last post on the tag/category pages, though I correctly tagged it with different keywords/categories. It does not show up any of the tag lists.

    Why is that? I have looked through the wordpress FAQ, the forum and everything but I can’t seem to find any information on this problem.

    I added the categories exactly the same way as in my first post, and that shows perfectly on the lists.

    My post:
    and those are some of the tags it is categorized under: future, midnight, streets, hope, (etc.)

    Thanks in advance,
    Biyang Hansen

  • Although you say you have entered categories here -> Manage -> Categories -> Add Category and that you have assigned them to the post in question in the write post categories box I cannot see any categories on your published post and I cannot see the categories widget in your sidebar.

  • Thanks for the fast reply. True, I’ve chosen not to show the categories on my blog, however that should have nothing to do with me being listed on the global tag lists on

    And as I said, my first post shows perfectly on these lists, (see for example ).

    Strange thing is, that the only place I can find my new post is under

    but not under for example which my post is also categorized under.

    This makes absolutely no sense to me.

    – Biyang Hansen

  • You’re right the widget isn’t required. But because the theme you’re using doesn’t display categories either under the title line or at the end of the posts I was thrown off kilter. staff have been creating “departments” based on global tags so perhaps something is going on in the backend. You could consider waiting until Monday and then sending in a support ticket using this link

  • Thanks timethief, I’ll do that Monday then and see if they got any explanation.

    – Biyang Hansen

  • I have a strong hunch that if the theme does not display categories, you get left off the tag pages. I have no inside knowledge, but just familiarity with the way works, and they generally want all links to pages displayed, prominently. In return, you get goodies like the googlejuice that the tag pages get us. When you use the Recent Comments widget with avatars in it, gets more clicks and in return it makes Technorati count those as actual links to our blogs. So I would suspect that this works the same way: no display of links to global tag pages, no global tag page benefits for you.

  • I’m having the same problem. I had a post that showed just fine in tags but suddenly disappeared.

  • thistimethisspace · Member ·

    Please be sure to send in a support ticket tomorrow during support hours.

  • Will do. Just bummed because the post in question was getting a lot of hits! Ah well.

  • Strangely, I got two hits from the Britney Spears tag page for my Britney at the VMA video, but now I’m not on the page. I removed the tag, updated, and reinstated it. No change.

  • Eh, sorry for the noob question but when is the support open in GMT? Didn’t see that the opening hours were in PDT on the support page until now :-S

  • PDT is GMT-7 (currently)

    So right now, it’s 7:47 AM there. Give ’em another hour and a half or so.

  • Still not working, and haven’t received a reply from support yet. However I have posted a new post and that seems to be listed correctly… Maybe it was just a glitch in the database that caused the problem.
    Would be nice to know though, just to prevent it from happening again.

    But I’ll mark this thread as resolved since it looks like it’s working on newer posts, and then just hope for an explanation from the support team. They’re probably busy people :-)

    – Biyang Hansen

  • I’m having the same problem, my blogroll and tage were there, but an hour later disappeared. I’m new to wordpress and have no idea how it works…any help?

  • There are widespread problems today (categories, images, headers, etc.) and staff are working on fixing them. It’s possible your blog has been impacted by them. Please be patient while staff work to rectify the situation. :)

    I suspect your blog and a few others were caught up in the beginning of the problem which has now spread. I know you must feel frustrated and I’m sorry this is still ongoing for you.

    You haven’t posted a link to your blog. Maybe it would be good to do so, in case staff need it.

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