Category name not changeable

  • Am working in the dashboard on my category names and now want to change category name “8. Crafting/Skills” into “08 Crafting/Skills”, but when I do nothing happens, the site just sits still, while changeing the names of numbers 1 to 7 gave no problems at all. I figured it had to do with the length or with the / , but changing all that didn’t help either. When I ask to show me the posts written under that category it says there aren’t any. When I click the category from the main site though it shows me all posts. What is wrong?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there!

    I’m not totally sure what caused the issue, but I was able to edit the category name from the wp-admin dashboard. Here’s a direct link to that page.

    This particular category name has already been updated. Can you give it a try if there are others that are also not working?


  • Hello! :D

    thanks very much, whatever you did, the category is now updated!

    Should the matter come up again I’ll let you know :)

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