Category list poorly placed in new version

  • Is it possible to rearrange the “Write Post” page so that the category picker is placed more sensibly? Way down under the Edit AND Tags boxes is clumsy and inefficient. It forces you to scroll DOWN to pick the category, then back UP to save/publish. Stupid and unnecessary. The original position was far more efficient; top right alongside of the post editing box (where the publish options are now). This new setup actually makes it HARDER to organize your posts.

    Two thumbs DOWN for this counterintuitive GUI design, WP team! Either change it back or give us the option to do it ourselves, please.

    PS: Where has the ability to edit the post-slug gone? If I make a typo and the slug reflects it, I’d like to be able to FIX it. :(

  • Agreed wrt position of the category panel; I never use tags.

    To change the post-slug, find the permalink thingy between Title and Post during edit.

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