Category legacy widget vs Category block

  • I noticed an important difference between the Categories legacy widget and the Categories block: the first has among its customization options the placement of a title. Couldn’t that be included in the block?

  • This is important because we no longer have access to new wigets of this type, as the block exists, so the block should have everything the widget has.

  • Hm, that’s an excellent point!

    Have you tried inserting a Heading block as a widget above the Categories block?

  • Yes, I tried and, depending on the theme, it doesn’t look pretty. Besides, this option doesn’t seem practical to me; as all the other customizations were inserted in the block, I think this one would only add value to it.

  • The issue of widget titles you are bringing up is a good one. We derive our block editor (and now block widgets) directly from the open source Gutenberg project, so we are not directly responsible for the code, but after a bit of digging I see that the developers for the project are aware of this and exploring options for including titles similar to what classic widgets have had.

    This is a good example but there may be other explorations in discussion at the moment:

    For now you are welcome to use the classic widget if you prefer. Also headings (between blocks) in the sidebar can work as well. If the text appearance is not correct and it’s too large or too small, you can change the heading setting to adjust that. Not a perfect solution but block widgets is in it’s infancy and I expect there will be a lot of iteration and refinements as things move forward.

    Hope this helps!

  • @radtrad I forgot to mention, but the Guteberg project, being open source, is one that you are welcome to contribute to directly. The issue I linked above (as well as any Github issues in the repo) are public and you can freely participate if you have further input.

    Thanks for rocking! :)

  • “For now you are welcome to use the classic widget if you prefer.”

    That would be nice, but the point is that it’s not possible to add new widgets like this, because after launching the block with the same function, it disappeared. Could it not be added to the list of legacy widgets?

  • I did some more tests and using the Group Block as a space to insert the others I got the same effect. Thanks.

  • I know this post has been up awhile, and I have another post around here somewhere about it, but the new category block (and the archive block) does not have the option to display the number of posts by category or the month. I miss that.

  • I do not know about the category block, but the archive block has (just see the settings area of the block – and you can use the archive short code too).

  • Hi @dtpiixart – I’ve created a sample video below for the Categories block specifically. Could you check that out and let me know if that’s not what you’re referring to for that block? Thanks!

  • @staff-totoro,

    For now you are welcome to use the classic widget if you prefer.

    Is that only true for some widgets? In responding to another topic, I found that the Navigation Menu Widget that I added via the Legacy Widget window was exactly the same widget as the one I added via the general Widgets list. Is the Legacy Widget supposed to be the classic widget? Not the case here. Neither of them resembles the widget shown in the Settings section of the Navigation Menu Widget support page. In particular, the Legacy version lacks the following:

    1. Edit Menu button, bottom left
    2. Delete | Done links, bottom left
    3. Reorder link, bottom center
    4. Add a Widget button, bottom right

  • Hello there,

    Is that only true for some widgets?

    This is really down to what you’d prefer to do and what you’d like to display.

    Is the Legacy Widget supposed to be the classic widget?

    That’s correct.

    The settings displayed here: is the classic widget, when using the classic widget view.

    The widget (…or the block) seen here: is slightly different.

    I hope this helps.

  • @aleone89,

    Hi. I know staff has a heavy load and not much time to devote to each response, but so I understand how one can miss a point. In this case, you’ve missed the point on both of the issues that you responded to.

    This is really down to what you’d prefer to do and what you’d like to display.

    @staff-totoro had said, regarding the Categories block vs. Categories Legacy Widget question posed in the OP, that “For now you are welcome to use the classic widget if you prefer.” I questioned whether that applies to all widgets because in the case of the Navigation Menu Widget, I found the one obtained from the Legacy Widget group is EXACTLY the same widget obtained from the general Widget collection. In neither case does the widget have the appearance of the classic Navigation Menu Widget. The items (customization options) that I mentioned in my first post here are absent.

    On the second point, you compare an image showing an example of what the Navigation Menu Widget might look like (which is theme dependent), to what the widget settings look like at Customize > Widgets. My point was that the Navigation Menu Widget settings look the same in either case, whether I obtain it from the general group of widgets or from the Legacy widgets group. The settings are exactly the same in either case. They aren’t supposed to be the same (see below).

    Navigation Menu Widget settings, classic (or “Legacy”) vs. block

    (above) classic version

    block version

  • I haven’t yet tested to see if other widgets that I obtain from the Legacy group are also not the classic widget, but in my tests I’m unable to find or use the classic Navigation Menu Widget at all, which is why I asked my first question: “Is that only true for some widgets?”

  • I found the one obtained from the Legacy Widget group is EXACTLY the same widget obtained from the general Widget collection. In neither case does the widget have the appearance of the classic Navigation Menu Widget. The items (customization options) that I mentioned in my first post here are absent.

    I should have clarified that I’m talking about the widget settings, not the viewed widget. The settings look exactly the same whether I chose the widget from the general group or from the Legacy group. It’s obviously the same widget obtained from either group.

  • We’re still updating the documentation, but the screenshots you have shared are correct.

    Not all new widgets will differ much from the original widgets. A big difference here though is that the legacy widget supports variable Visibility:

  • @staff-blorbo,

    We’re still updating the documentation, but the screenshots you have shared are correct…Not all new widgets will differ much from the original widgets.

    If the screenshots are correct, for that particular widget, and the two have obviously different looking settings, then why are they exactly the same for me. But it’s not just that particular widget. I don’t find any classic widgets available at all. When I obtain a widget from the Legacy group, its settings look exactly the same as the settings of the block widget in each case I’ve tried. I do not find a Legacy widget (i.e. classic widget) that is different than the new block widget at all in the following cases:

    Navigation Menu
    Top Posts & Pages
    Blogs Stats
    Tag Cloud
    Follow Blog
    Blogs I Follow

    In every case the widget obtained from the Legacy drop-down menu has settings that are exactly the same the widget obtained from the general group of widgets. Therefore, I conclude that they are the same widget in every case.

    Secondly, though less concerning at this time, I find no Legacy widgets offered corresponding to the following block widgets: Archives, Categories, Latest Posts, Page List.

  • Another issue is that with some widgets, e.g. “Top Clicks” I get the following error message each time I try to add it: “The Editor has encountered an unexpected error,” accompanied by a button labeled “Copy Error.” When this happens I can’t remove it, add another widget, or do anything in the widgets window until I refresh the page and open the widgets window again.

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