Category doesn't appear on the post

  • Hi!

    I have a problem with the category disappearing from my post. For example, my blog can have featured posts and it’s supposed to show the category of the post above the title.
    Like this:

    fashion <— category
    MY TUESDAY OOTD <— title of the post

    However, my category doesn’t appear above the title. I’ve already ticked off the “Display categories” in the Post Details under the Content Options, and it showed it for a few hours but now it’s gone.

    I’ve ticked and unticked it many times but it’s still not appearing.

    I would appreciate any help! my blog is thank you!

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi,

    I ran some tests and discovered that if you only have one used (assigned to one or more posts) category, and it’s not the Uncategorized category, then that category will not display of the title as you’ve described.

    Since you only have one published post, you’d have to add a second category to that post in order to have them both appear over the title. Alternatively, you may create a test second post with a different category added to see if that doesn’t resolve the issue.

  • Correction:
    “then that category will not display over the title”

  • Thank you so much! This did it. I really appreciate your help.

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