
  • can somebody please tell me in simple language ,how do I categrize my blogs. I have searched far and wide and cannot find an answer. All my blogs are uncategorized and I am sure that this is not right. I have only been on here for 5 days so I am completetly new to all of this. I would so appreciate some help.

    Thank you

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • The post editor includes a “Categories” box (if you aren’t seeing it, click Screen Options top right to activate it). There you check and uncheck existing categories or click the “Add New Category” tab.

  • I am having the same problem. For some reason, all most posts have reverted to uncategorized since yesterday. My tags have also disappeared as well. I contacted support but have not received an answer as of yet.

  • Hey, all.

    We found the problem that caused this and fixed it up – even when it was happening, it wasn’t happening all the time so it took us a bit to track it down.

    If you see any lingering effects, please contact us at Support and we’ll be happy to take a look.

  • Thank you — I’m trying to categorize my posts so readers can go to the ones they want to read rather than having to scroll through several unrelated posts.

  • @Barbara
    When you click “member” under your username you will find every thread you have created and every post you have made to this forum. Your question has been answered in the thread you posted here. You must edit the posts in question, delete the categories you do not want from them, enter the categories you do want, and then click “update”. >

  • The topic ‘category’ is closed to new replies.