• Hi there
    I’m really battling with this one. I have recently addded four (4) categories to my side bar and I have saved them a few times.
    However, when I try to catergorise a new post, it doesn’t show that I have any categories? It just says CATEGORIES->UNCATEGORISED. When I go onto my own blog the categories show up in the sidebar though?
    I’ve looked everywhere in the help options but am really battling with this one.

    Any help will be greatly appreciated!

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • You haven’t added four categories, you have added the Categories widget four times, each time with a different title. The Categories widget displays all the categories assigned to published posts, and its title is just the title of the displayed list (should be “Categories”, “Topics” – that sort of thing).

    What you need to do is edit each post and add the appropriate category. See here:
    Once you do that, the Categories widget (which you must add once only) will automatically display your categories.

  • You create categories at posts > categories in your dashboard. You can also create categories on the fly in the post editor at the bottom of the categories module.

  • deliciousnotepad · Member ·

    Ah that’s perfect! Thank you, I’ve got it now! :)

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