categories into pages?

  • I am using the spun team
    I have this idea to change my page a bit, I want to make a static front-page with all the categories, and once you enter a category you only see and navigate trough posts in that category.
    is that possible?


    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi flavikiwi,

    I did this by making a custom menu. You can see on my blog ( how the menu is just categories, and when you click on a menu option you can scroll through all the posts that have been placed in that category.

    Here’s a support doc on custom menus:

    This should work the same way with your theme. Let us know if you hit a roadblock.

  • Hi juliemrichardson,

    thanks for your help,
    but the thing is I don’t want to have the categories on the menu,
    I want them to be the circles you see in the front-page.
    because now, I on the front page appears every new post I make, apart or the category.

  • Hey there, sorry for misunderstanding! I see what you’re saying. I’m playing around, but I’m not sure if this theme is set up to do that. I’ll play around and see if I can figure something out.

  • You cannot compel any theme to function in any way it is not designed to function. The circles on Spun are for Posts ie. individual posts not categories. Please consult your theme description page at

  • ok, but I can put a static page as the front page instead of the posts.
    so, if I make for example a page with links to each category I can put it as being the front page. this could work?

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