Categories and tags have disappeared

  • My categories do not show up when they previously did – they have all been used/assigned to posts, but when I check the box in the dashboard when writing a new post, they do not show up on my blog. Tags also do not show up on my posts.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • At bit more detail – the categories and tags show up when I preview the post, but they are not there once the post is published.

  • I have looked again and still no categories, tags or related content shows up on my post – all of these show up when I preview the post, and when I go to dashboard > posts > view once the post has been published.

    I create my posts by going to dashboard > posts > add new – the dashboard shows all my categories (which I check and have used for some time so they do have posts assigned to them), I can add the tags and it is set to standard post format. Any ideas?

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