Categories and Explore Topics

  • Why aren’t my posts appearing in their categories when I publish them? When I click on Explore Topics and Humor or Life. they’re aren’t displayed? This happens repeatedly. Why?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hey there,

    Please take a look at the most common reasons that posts may not display in the Reader according to categories and posts:

    You may want to focus on the amount of tags/categories you use. Too many tags could actually cause your posts from appearing in the reader. For instance, your post, “: feeling a little flushed :,” appears to have a total of 17.

    Also, this may be neither here, nor there, but I’m wondering if you’ve ever published your posts without the special characters in the title.

    With your next post, could you try a) few tags and categories, and b) a title without special characters before/after the text.

    Looking forward to hearing how this works out for you. Thanks very much.

  • Fewer tags is no problem. I did get a little carried away, didn’t I? But no colons? It’s like a signature or an identifier. I’d feel so, ew, naked without it.

    If fewer tags doesn’t solve the problem, I’ll try — ulp — deleting the colons. Maybe. Thanks, you’ve been a great help. I appreciate the guidance.

  • Hi again,

    I think that’s a great idea — tags first. If that does the trick, GREAT! If not…then we can look into those colons.

    I don’t want to mess with your aesthetics!

    Looking forward to hearing from you. Cheers :)

  • You’re a hoot! Thanks :o)

  • Stopping by to let you know fewer tags works like a charm. And makes for a much cleaner look, too. Woohoo. Thank you so much for your help. I never would’ve figured it out on my own.

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