Capoverso home page

  • I’m using Capoverso theme. I’m currently moving the static pages from my old website to my wp blog as pages, it seems silly to have them separate and in wp it is much easier to keep the pages updated.

    I have one page that will act as an “index” to the other pages (the old home page on my website).

    Can I set the Capoverso home page just to show that index page rather than all the pages I create? Would making the other pages child pages of the index page do it, and can I do that on the free plan?

    I want to keep the links to blog, about, contact as pre-set on the Capoverso home page.


    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hello there,

    Many thanks for reaching out.

    Can I set the Capoverso home page just to show that index page rather than all the pages I create?

    Do you mean that you wish to create a static home page? If yes, please see how to do this here:

    Would making the other pages child pages of the index page do it, and can I do that on the free plan?

    You wouldn’t need to create child pages of the home page, you can create this via Pages > Add new and you can add them as a menu as seen here:

    And this can be created on the free plan :)

    I hope this helps.

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