Can’t upload a PDF

  • Hello, I have been trying to upload the pdf of a product I have in my woocommerce shop. I work via wordpress, my hosting system is bluehost.

    I never had issues in the past to upload anything except when it wasn’t a picture that respected the size dimensions. No pdf upload issue whtsoever.

    However, I have been trying to upload one for hours now, trying both on my WP admin and my wordpress page, and I get the same error message ‘server encuntered an error, may try to refresh and see if it still dowloaded’ which it didn’t, and on WordPress, it says that the dowload couldn’t finish because of some issues.

    The pdf is 16MB (16000 ko), my upload size cap is at 512. I tried to add a plugin that can make me exceed the size and time request for upload, to no avail.

    I cleaned a bit my media library but it wasn’t overloaded anyway, even if I don’t have the storage space bar on my menu where it’s supposed to be.

    What can I do ?

    Thank you for any help ! Yes
    Jetpack: Yes
    Correct account: Yes

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hello there,

    I apologize for any inconvenience you’re facing with uploading a PDF file on your website. However, as your site is not hosted on, we lack access to specific information about your setup, which limits our ability to assist further.

    To understand the differences between and and how each platform operates, you can refer to this informative link:

    WP vs.
    5 min read
    WordPress powers millions of websites, from bloggers and small businesses to massive news sites and companies. This guide will help you to understand the difference between and, and which might be the best fit for your website. Overview of Differences The same WordPress software powers both and sites. One of the main differences is ho

    As you mentioned you are using Bluehost as your hosting service, I recommend reaching out to their support team for dedicated assistance with the PDF file uploading issue.

    Additionally, the forum is a valuable resource for troubleshooting and getting help from the broader WordPress community. You can post your query on the forum using this link:

    I hope you find the solution to the PDF file uploading issue promptly. Should you have any other questions, please feel free to ask. Thank you for your understanding, and I wish you success in resolving the matter with your website.

  • Hey there,

    As mentioned, on these forums, we can only assist with related issues. Therefore, I wanted to remind you about the option to migrate your WordPress site to our servers.

    The content alone can be moved by exporting from Tools > Export, and then imported as per these steps here: (Tools import). To get the storage you need, and to be able to use a custom primary domain, a paid plan would need to be in place:

    Alternatively, a site can be migrated into, as is – including all content, themes and plugins. We make the migration process easy with the Migration plugin, which you can find at this link:

    A site being migrated into using this plugin would require a Business Plan.

    We provide a fully managed hosting service with a custom server environment, specifically optimized for WordPress. This means you’ll benefit from built-in security measures, performance improvements, and in-house support to address any questions or concerns you may have.

    Migrating your site to may initially seem like a daunting task, but the advantages of our fully managed hosting service outweigh the effort involved. With our optimized server environment and tailored version of WordPress, you’ll have access to the best possible hosting service for your WordPress website.

    However, if you decide not to migrate your site to, don’t worry! We still want to ensure you receive the help you need. The open-source WordPress forums are available to provide support, where you can connect with experts in WordPress who are well-equipped to assist you with any issues you may encounter.

    We hope this information is helpful. If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact us. Thank you for considering as your hosting solution!

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