Can’t stop email notifications of comments on someone else’s blog

  • I made a comment on the blog:

    and foolishly ticked the box to be notified of followup comments. Now I receive dozens of emails a day from WordPress as this is clearly a heavily commented post, and I have no way of turning this off! In all the emails that come from WordPress there’s a link to “manage subscriptions” but when I click on it I’m told I don’t have any!

    I don’t want to risk clicking another link labelled “one-click unsubscribe” as I obviously want to receive emails about comments on my own blogs.

    Any advice on how I can turn the darksculptures emails off would be hugely appreciated.



  • I don’t want to risk clicking another link labelled “one-click unsubscribe” as I obviously want to receive emails about comments on my own blogs.

    Sadly there is no way to stop the deluge that continues even for years if the blogger chooses to leave the post open to comments. I have even witnessed spam posted as comment on such pots and since I became savvy to the fact that we cannot unsbscribe have refused to subscribe to comments on blogs.

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