Can't see primary menu on site

  • Hi

    I currently can’t see the primary menu displayed on my site. It is there when i go into the dashboard and customize my site. It also appears on the mobile version of the site but not on the laptop (PC). I have cleared my cache etc but it’s still not there. Does anybody know how i can get it to appear on my site?

    Any help greatly appreciated


    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Are you speaking of the menu that appears on the Homepage of your site?

    In Chrome and FF on a PC I see a menu at the top of the Homepage that contains NOTWILL2014/SNOW/ABOUT

    In order to maximize your storage space and to retain image clarity, use an image processing program to resize and optimize your images before you upload them.

    There are a number of suggestions on this page and I can also heartily recommend jpegmini ( to help slim down your images without changing their clarity.

  • Thanks for this, im glad it’s visible to users but i have tried in IE and Chrome and still can’t see it. The formatting seems strange in IE too with the logo stretched.

    Thanks for the tip on image size too, i guess i have a bit of work to do :)

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