can't see featured image

  • Hi

    I’m attempting to play around with my first post in draft mode because I don’t want to publish until I’m more comfortable with everything; I’m using Coraline theme. I’ve set a featured image but when I save and preview I don’t see it. Is it not visible until you publish? I have no posts yet so I’m not sure if you’d need me to publish something?

    Also is there a size requirement? I couldn’t find any in the documentation.


    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • I suggest consulting the detailed theme description at this link
    Coraline has featured header images

    Featured Images

  • Hi:
    The coraline theme description reads the following in addition to featured header images:

    “You can also upload custom images for individual posts and pages using Featured Images.”

    Am I missing something? I would like to use featured images for individual posts but the theme does not seem to do what it says it does. How or why would one want to use a different header image for individual posts ?

    Can someone please help or clarify if I will need a different theme to use the featured image for individual posts?

    Also, since the featured image only works if 990px and the picture in the edit screen looks like a header it seems logical that the featured image is foe custom headers only.

  • In addition, if you pull up the theme showcase it shows the following:

    Custom Background
    Custom Header
    Custom Menu
    Editor Style
    Theme Options
    Full Width Template
    Featured Image Header
    Featured Images

    Post Formats
    Infinite Scroll
    Flexible Header

    Doesn’t that mean that it can use both featured images for posts and/or custom headers?

    Also, if you search for a theme on the showcase and enter featured images as an option, coraline is included.

  • Featured images in Coraline are displayed in the header area, overriding any default header you have set.

    The size requirements are:

    The header image is 770 by 140 in the two column layouts 990 by 180.

    Could you please provide a link to a post or page where you’re not seeing the featured image displaying?

  • @kathrynwp


    I think this is my error; The theme showcase indicates that the theme has options for both a featured header image as well as a featured images, which I assumed to mean for posts and pages.

    First of all, since the sentence you highlighted above, which I believe came from the theme showcase page, is grammatically incorrect and confusing. I did change the pixel size of an image to 990×180 and then it worked for the header.

    However, the functionality I was looking for is for individual posts and pages. It appears the theme only supports the featured header image which makes the theme useless to me.

    I had an online chat with a WP tech yesterday and when she tested, she agrees there is no featured image available for individual posts. She also tested the excerpts (which appears as an option on the new WP post screen so one can assume the theme should support it). She said this is also not working and that the theme is obsolete.

    Given this, I am switching themes. However, please do explain if I’ve missed something as I am new to WP


  • You haven’t missed anything. As I stated in my first comment the theme is designed to support featured header images. The detailed theme description page makes no reference of any kind to featured images in post or page content areas.

    Here’s a link to 100 free Featured Images WordPress Themes

    Designate a certain image to represent each post. How this image will display varies by theme.

  • Coraline does support featured images, but as timethief just noted, featured images are displayed in different locations from theme-to-theme. Coraline displays featured images in the header area, while other themes display featured images in locations such as the blog index or on the single post page.

    I do hope you find a theme that fits your needs in the theme directory – timethief gave you a direct link to all themes that support featured images so that should give you a good start.

  • I understand that; however, if you refer to my earlier post above which I will re-post below, this is confusing. It could be because I am a new WP user or perhaps I am just dumber than most. I would interpret the sentence to imply that the theme supports featured images for BOTH headers and pages

    “You can also upload custom images for individual posts and pages using Featured Images.”

    And also again, if you you search for a theme as I did using the features choices on the theme showcase, there is an option for featured header images and a DIFFERENT option for feature images (not for headers, for post and pages).

    Since the theme comes up when you include both options AND it even summarizes each feature of each theme on the right side of the theme it seems to me this means the theme supports BOTH

    If I am misunderstanding or just dumb, I apologize; my bad.

  • I do hope you find a theme that fits your needs in the theme directory – timethief gave you a direct link to all themes that support featured images so that should give you a good start.

    Thank you for helping; I have switched themes and hopefully I can find what I am looking for. Please accept my apologies If I find myself asking a similar question again

  • I’m sorry the wording wasn’t clear for you and I’m sure Staff will adjust it for greater clarity. There are many themes to chose from so best wishes with finding one that’s designed to provide featured images other than in the header. There are themes that have alternative featured images, such as slideshows, post thumbnails, and images attached to featured posts. View all themes with featured images here

  • sounds good; I’m in no real hurry which you will eventually see from my stories once I start posting.

    Just switched to 2012 and see I have to add widgets to preview as two column layout. Arrghh. Didn’t get to that point yet

  • I do can see how this might be confusing to a new user and I’ve added some additional wording to the theme’s documentation to be clearer about how Coraline displays featured images. Thanks for bringing it to our attention.

  • I do hope you find a theme that fits your needs in the theme directory – timethief gave you a direct link to all themes that support featured images so that should give you a good start.

    Actually I should be thanking you; I do love the incredibly fast response to almost any questions that you all provide; beats any other company’s forums. I didn’t mean to come off as technical; I was legitimately confused by the wording

  • My approach when helping clients is to tell them to forget about the theme, create and publish content, lots of original content in posts, not pages 2 – 3 times weekly. That’s because keywords in post content attract search engine attention and pages don’t. It’s also because new bloggers can become obsessed with fiddling themes, images and widgets. It’s the content that bring traffic and all themes are just skins that can be easily and readily changed. So until they have published pillar posts I don’t help them with themes at all.

  • @kathrynwp
    Thanks for updating the theme description page.

  • @timethief

    Thanks for the pillar post link; Ironically, I am a “would-be writer”, in my parallel universe anyway; usually post things as opinionated stories with lots of sarcasm and details so that article helps. (my wife calls this “being anal”)

    All my trip adviser reviews get an helpful votes (128 for only 23 reviews) so somebody must think I create good content.

    Once I get the feel of the theme I plan on posting 10 or 15 posts rather quickly which I’ve been compiling in chronological order

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