Can’t see categories on some templates.

  • On my WordPress Blog I have 9 categories including the default of General.

    But the problem is on most templates the only categorie I can see is General and on only about 2 templates I can see all of the categories?

  • You only see them if they have posts within them normally. You’re blog doesn’t have any posts so the categories don’t show. For example, on my blog I have only one subcategory, Star Frontiers under the heading of Gaming. If you looked at my Category list within my Dashboard, you’ll note that I actually have about 30 subcategories in there.

    Hope this helps,

  • Thanks fo the information drmike but the strange thing even those my blog doesn’t have posts (just trying it out before I tell others) some templates I can see the categories and in others I cannot.

  • Thanks fo the information drmike but the strange thing even those my blog doesn’t have posts (just trying it out before I tell others) some templates I can see the categories and in others I cannot.

    Some theme authors force the display of all of them. Remember, WP staff did not write these themes, over a dozen different people wrote them and they all have different ideas on what they want displayed.

    You can actually see the function call here that WP uses. The option involved is ‘hide_empty’. Some authors turn it on while some leave it off. *shrug* It’s a toss up for me. When I roll out a new theme, that’s one setting I leave alone. It’s come up though in my support forums.

    Hope this helps,

  • Thanks for your help drmike it is working now when I done a test post and I forgot to mentioned before I don’t recalled this happening before.

    And regarding “Some authors turn it on while some leave it off. *shrug* It’s a toss up for me” as they say in New Zealand Bugger.

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