Cant save in style.css

  • Hello there im currently trying to add these lines to my Style.css because of some trouble with integrating the WP Booking Calendar. However i do not see the “Save” button and it says i need to make it writable first. Could someone help me with how i save these to the Style.css

    .resource_selection_div select,
    .wpbc_container.wpbc_container_booking_form select,
    .wpbc_container.wpbc_container_booking_form input[type="text"],
    .wpbc_container.wpbc_container_booking_form textarea{
      color: #000;

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Howdy!

    Adding Custom CSS directly to the style.css fileof a theme installed from’s themes’ collection isn’t possible since these themes are symlinked (symbolically linked) – we also highly recommend not modifying a theme’s core files for customization – instead, you should setup a child theme and add any customizations you’d need in there to avoid getting your edits overwritten when the theme updates. If you’d like to go this route, we have a guide on setting up a child theme here:

    That said, if you’d only like to make CSS specific customizations, you can do that from within the Site Editor in a safe manner without having to set-up a child theme. You’ll find instructions on adding CSS here:

    Let us know if you’d need help with anything else!

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