Can't reduce # of posts in the front page

  • Hi everyone,

    I want to reduce the number of posts showing up in the front page.
    I looked around in the Forum and Support pages but all I found is
    ‘Go to Settings > Reading’ and then what? Also I found about the more tag.
    I am not interested in the more tag. I tried the Reading Settings, there is an option
    ‘Syndication feeds show the most recent’ and then a box with x items.
    If that is the setting, then it doesn’t work for me.

    I kindly ask for someone to explain me how I will reduce the amount of posts,
    all the way. I know my way in the wordpress blog, it’s just that I am frustrated
    because everyone says Settings > Reading. Please tell what is the next step.

    Thank you in advance, Joseph.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • You can’t find how to reduce the number of posts because WP has added this thing called infinite scrolling to the theme you’re using, and they don’t want you to disable it, so they hide the relevant options except if you have footer widgets. So, first go to Appearance > Widgets and drag a Text widget to one of the footer areas, then go to Settings > Reading, disable infinite scrolling, set the number of posts per page you prefer, click Save Changes.

  • Thank you justpi, this was really helpful!
    Now I remember, I had seen this option way back, but they probably changed it.

    A small complaint
    I don’t know why they hide this kind of important settings and imposing what they want without a notice, but if Matt can see this post… This strategy looks more like facebook. So please don’t ruin your reputation over money! We probably have to pay so as not get this kind of attitude!

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