Can't Read

  • Why, when I click ‘Reader’ does nothing happen? I can’t read any blogs and haven’t been able to for the past three days. Maddening.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Have you tried disabling all browser add-ons and extensions? If not, please try that.
    Are you running AdBlock? If so, please try disabling it.
    Are you using the secure https:// log-in. If not please try it >

    If those do not work for you then we need to know
    (1) how you are connecting to the internet and to The way you connect to the internet (mobile, satellite, DSL, dial-up) and to your blog, and how many proxy server jumps etc. it takes to connect can cause problems. There maybe be problems with your ISP and/or with the proxy servers. Also note that the main dashboard isn’t designed to work with touch devices through the tablet and smartphone browsers.

    (2) exactly which browser and version of it are you using. If you don’t know click here to find out >

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