Can't Map Custom Domain: "URL is already mapped to a blog."

  • Greetings.

    I’m trying to set up a new WordPress blog based on this domain name that I purchased: However, during signup process and under Map a Domain, I get this error message:

    Sorry but is already mapped to a blog.

    Can a staff member look into this issue?


  • Hello Ken,

    It looks like the domain wasn’t registered with but through GoDaddy– does it make any sense to you?

    The DNS are not from WordPress as well. Have you tried to purchase the domain mapping again? On your account there are no subscriptions purchased at the moment, so if you own the domain you may want to try and map it again.

    Let me know how it goes. Look forward to your reply!

  • Hi Stef, thanks for your reply.

    I indeed purchased the domain from GoDaddy and my intention was to purchase domain mapping service from WordPress to link the domain.

    So when creating a new blog, I opted to map this domain that I own; however I can’t get past the ‘Step 3: Let’s find a domain (Map a Domain)’ screen of WordPress signup page due to the aforementioned error message. It would make sense for you to not find any subscriptions in my account since I’m trying to purchase domain mapping at the signup process before the blog is created.

    My guess is that a previous owner of this domain name made a configuration with that hasn’t been modified or removed since, although I may be wrong. Searching the forums about this issue resulted in several identical posts, and it looks like each time a staff member had to manually sort this out.

    Thank you for your help.

  • Hello Ken,

    Sorry for the delay in replying to you.
    I sorted the issue and now you should be able to map the domain with no further problems.

    Let me know how it goes this time. Thanks!

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