Can't "Like" Other Posts

  • I am using Chrome 80.whatever and today whenever I try to “like” a post of someone I’m following, a popup briefly appears, nothing in it, disappears and I can’t like the post. I can comment just fine with my comment, but I can’t like the post directly on anyone’s website OR in my feed.

    I don’t have this problem using Edge. I just tried Edge and can like posts as normal, so it appears to be a Chrome thing.

    Any ideas?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Well, I cleared my cache of everything and signed back in and voila, it’s working again. Guess I’m going to have to experiment to see what my and Chromes’ limit is :-/

  • Hi there,

    Glad to hear you got it working. This was most likely a stale cookie – we use cookies to detect that you’re logged in when visiting sites across, and those expire over time. When a cookie expires it’s usually deleted, but sometimes that process doesn’t happen correctly. Logging out, clearing cookies, and logging back in usually fixes it.

    That said, Chrome is making changes to how cookies work in that browser which might lead to issues like this cropping up more often in that browser, but our team is already working on ways to mitigate that.

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